Home Sweet Chocolate Mousse

Chocolate Mousse

Difficulté : Easy
Catégorie : Sweet
Cout : Affordable
I propose here two recipes of chocolate mousses. One is very airy, and the other is a bit firmer. In any case, these recipes are easy to prepare and delicious to eat!

Recipe of the “chocolate mousse” for 4 persons:
Airy” recipe:
-200g of 70% dark chocolate
-6 eggs
-20g of salted butter

Recipe “a little firmer”:
-250g of 70% dark chocolate
-5 eggs
-10g of salted butter
-20g of cocoa butter

In any case, this is the process.
Melt chocolate and butter (salted or cocoa) in microwave or double boiler. Adding a little butter will help the chocolate not to harden immediately with the addition of the egg yolk. And in the case of cocoa butter, to freeze the foam a little more.

Separate the whites from the yolks. Whisk the egg whites until they are stiff.
Add the yolks one by one to the melted chocolate. the chocolate should not be hot!
Add the stiffly beaten egg whites to the chocolate mixture. Mix with a spatula, lifting the dough well so that the whites do not fall back!
Pour the mousse into individual ramekins or a bowl.
Let stand in a cool place for at least 5 hours.

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