Caviar de courgettes, menthe et citron vert
- 5 courgettes blanches ou vertes
- 1 tête d'ail
- 50 g tahiné
- huile d'olive, sel, poivre
Pour les lamelles de courgettes marinées :
- 1 courgette
- 1 zeste citron vert bio
- huile d'olive, sel
- Commencez par laver les courgettes et par couper leurs extrémités. Coupez-les en deux dans la longueur.
- Placez-les dans un plat allant au four. Ajoutez la tête d’ail entière. Arrosez généreusement d’huile, salez et poivrez.
- Mettez à cuire au four à 220°C sur chaleur tournante pendant 1h10.
- Laissez refroidir, pesez le poids des courgettes cuites, puis mettez les courgettes cuites avec le jus qu’elles ont éventuellement rendu, dans un petit mixeur avec les gousses d’ail rôties.
- Pesez 10% du poids des courgettes en tahiné, la crème de sésame. Salez et poivrez, versez un peu d’huile d’olive (1 cuillerée à soupe) et mettez les feuilles d’une dizaine de branches de menthe.
- Ça fera beaucoup, mais ça sera frais et délicieux !
- Mixez pour obtenir une crème homogène et pas trop lisse.
- Pour la dernière courgette, coupez-la en fines lamelles dans la longueur, le mieux étant avec une mandoline.
- Vesrez dans un récipient et ajoutez le zeste d’un demi à un citron vert entier. Salez, arrosez d’huile d’olive.
- Il faudra laisser mariner au moins une heure au frais. Vous pouvez tout mettre sous film étirable au frais.
- Au moment de servir, mettez le caviar de courgettes dans un plat, ajoutes les lamelles de courgettes marinées, puis arrosez d’huile d’olive. Pour une huile chlorophylée aromatisée à la menthe, c’est par LÀ !
- Servez avec un pain chaud et croustillant.

For a change from babaganoush (which is also on my site), I suggest a zucchini, mint and lime caviar. Very easy to make, this dish will be luminously fresh, bringing color and flavor to an aperitif or appetizer! Delicious with warm, crusty bread.
Recipe for 6 people:
- 5 medium-sized white or green zucchinis
- 1 head of garlic
- 10% of the weight of the cooked zucchinis, of tahini (roughly 50g)
- a dozen sprigs of mint
- olive oil, salt, pepper
For the marinated zucchini strips:
- 1 zucchini
- 1 untreated lime
- olive oil, salt
Start by washing the zucchinis and cutting off the ends. Cut them in half lengthwise.

Place in an ovenproof dish. Add the whole head of garlic. Drizzle generously with oil and season with salt and pepper.

Bake in the oven at 220°C for 1h10.

Leave to cool, weigh the cooked zucchini, then place the cooked zucchini, with any juices it may have given off, in a small blender with the roasted garlic cloves.

Weigh out 10% of the weight of the tahini zucchini, the sesame cream. Season with salt and pepper, a little olive oil (1 tablespoon) and the leaves of a dozen sprigs of mint.

It’ll be a lot, but it’ll be fresh and delicious!

Blend until smooth and homogeneous.

For the last zucchini, cut lengthwise into thin strips, best done with a mandolin.

Pour into a bowl and add the zest of half to one whole lime.

Season with salt and olive oil.

Leave to marinate in a cool place for at least an hour. You can put everything in cling film in a cool place.

Just before serving, place the zucchini caviar in a dish, add the marinated zucchini strips and drizzle with olive oil. For a mint-flavored chlorophyll oil, go HERE!
Serve with warm, crusty bread.

Zucchini caviar with mint and lime
- 5 zucchini white or green
- 1 head of garlic
- 50 g tahini
- olive oil, salt, pepper
For the marinated zucchini strips:
- 1 zucchini
- 1 zest lime bio
- olive oil, salt
- Start by washing the zucchinis and cutting off the ends. Cut them in half lengthwise.
- Place in an ovenproof dish. Add the whole head of garlic. Drizzle generously with oil and season with salt and pepper.
- Bake in the oven at 220°C for 1h10.
- Leave to cool, weigh the cooked zucchini, then place the cooked zucchini, with any juices it may have given off, in a small blender with the roasted garlic cloves.
- Weigh out 10% of the weight of the tahini zucchini, the sesame cream. Season with salt and pepper, a little olive oil (1 tablespoon) and the leaves of a dozen sprigs of mint.
- It’ll be a lot, but it’ll be fresh and delicious!
- Blend until smooth and homogeneous.
- For the last zucchini, cut lengthwise into thin strips, best done with a mandolin.
- Pour into a bowl and add the zest of half to one whole lime. Season with salt and olive oil.
- Leave to marinate in a cool place for at least an hour. You can put everything in cling film in a cool place.
- Just before serving, place the zucchini caviar in a dish, add the marinated zucchini strips and drizzle with olive oil. For a mint-flavored chlorophyll oil, go HERE!
- Serve with warm, crusty bread.