Home Sweet Pudim de Leite (Brazilian reverse cream)

Pudim de Leite (Brazilian reverse cream)

Difficulté : Easy
Catégorie : Sweet

The “pudim de leite” (pronounced “poudjim dji léïtche”) is a specialty that is served everywhere in Brazil as a dessert. It looks just like a caramel custard, but the preparation is more than simple, and the result is amazing. The consistency of the pudim de leite is firm and smooth at the same time. This recipe is based on sweetened condensed milk, which has a lot to do with the final taste and texture. We feel an aftertaste of milk jam. A spoonful of this marvel, and it’s love at first sight! 

Recipe of the pudim of leite:

-5 eggs
-2 cans of sweetened condensed milk (397g each)
-the same amount of semi-skimmed milk as sweetened condensed milk
150g of sugar
Preheat the oven to 180°C.
Put the sugar in a saucepan with a little water (30g) and bring to a boil.

The sugar should caramelize and have a nice amber color. 

When the caramel is ready, pour it into a mold (with a hole in the middle, it will be the top of the tradition!).

Prepare the cream: pour the two cans of sweetened condensed milk into a blender.

Fill the two empty cans with semi-skimmed milk and pour into the blender. we have the same quantity of sweetened condensed milk and semi-skimmed milk. 

Add the 5 eggs. 

Start the blender for 1 minute to homogenize.

Pour into pan over caramel. Place the pan in an ovenproof dish and fill the dish with boiling water. The mold must be at least half immersed.

Cover with aluminum foil and place in oven at 180°C.

Bake for 1h15-1h30. The cream should set and shake very slightly in the center. It is also sufficient to stick a knife in. It must come out clean.

Let cool completely then put in the refrigerator for three hours. Just before serving, fill the sink with very hot water and dip the mold in it for 10 seconds. 

Spill the pudim de leite on a serving dish… It’s ready! 

The pudim de leite is so smooth, firm and melting at the same time!


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