Home Savory Chinese Steamed Bread with Chives

Chinese Steamed Bread with Chives

Difficulté : Medium
Catégorie : Savory
Cout : Low cost

Here is a new “dim sum”! This recipe is quite original to accompany a spicy Chinese dish! It is a kind of salted bun cooked in the steam, decorated with spring onions. The result is visually pleasing. The recipe is very simple and you will learn a new traditional folding that is quite fun to do! Of course, if eaten as they are, they will seem a bit bland, but they are perfect as a replacement for rice in a sauce dish. 

Recipe for “steamed bread”:

-300g of flour
-2 teaspoons baking powder
-2 teaspoons dry baker’s yeast
-3 teaspoons of sugar
-160ml of warm water
-3-4 Chinese chives

Start by preparing the Chinese onion. 

Simply cut it very thinly and set it aside in a cool place while you prepare the rest of the recipe.

Put the flour on the work surface. Make a hole with your fingers and put the baking powder. 

Mix well.

Make a new hole and add the dry yeast and sugar. 

Add warm water to dissolve sugar and yeast. 

Draw a circle around the well with your finger.

Start mixing with your fingers in the middle and then mix everything together, adding warm water little by little. Simply scrape the work surface and work the dough by hand. All of these steps can be done with a blender. 

Work the dough for 5-10 minutes by kneading it and rolling it on itself. 
Cut the dough ball in half. 
Flour the work surface and roll out a ball of dough into a fairly thin rectangle. 

Brush oil over the entire surface. 

Salt the entire surface with a few pinches of salt.

Sprinkle with chopped chives.

Then roll up the rectangle on itself, making sure the roll is even (there should be no spirals on the sides!).

The result is a dough ball. 

Cut the blood sausage into 6 or 7 slices. 

Take a slice and place a chopstick on its surface, lengthwise.

Then firmly crush the stick!

Gently remove the chopstick by pulling it to the side. 
Turn the resulting dough over. 

Then wrap it around the chopstick. 

We then obtain this very characteristic small bread. 

Remove the baguette from the side, then crush the center to flatten the bread. 

Do the same with the remaining dough. We have two rectangles of dough for small loaves, but we can also make large loaves by rolling the dough into a single large rectangle.
Put the breads in a steaming basket. 

And leave to swell for a good hour in a damp, warm place. 

Then cook for 8 to 10 minutes. 

Serve hot with a Chinese dish! 

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