Home Sweet Classic Shortbread

Classic Shortbread

Difficulté : Easy
Catégorie : Sweet
Cout : Low cost

I realized that I hadn’t posted a classic shortbread recipe yet! This recipe makes perfectly crisp and fragrant shortbread. Cane sugar, vanilla, good fresh butter, a simple recipe but essential in any kitchen notebook. As you may know by now, I am a shortbread nut! And these have the childhood flavor that I love so much! It’s a great way to teach kids to cook. That’s how I started cooking when I was a kid!

Shortbread recipe:
-500g of flour
-240g of fine cane sugar
-150g of soft butter
-110g of semi-salted butter
-1/2 vanilla bean
-1 egg + 1 yolk mixed, weighed and then weight divided by two (see below)

Put the flour in the bowl of the mixer.

This is the only “fine” cane sugar I could find. Because the brown sugar has too big grains.

Add the sugar to the flour.

Remove the vanillin from the vanilla bean half and add it to the bowl. Save the pod for another recipe! 

Mix sugar, flour and vanillin. 

Cut the cold butter into pieces.

Add butter and mix to blend. When the butter is completely mixed, it really looks like sand.
Place the whole egg and yolk in a bowl. 

Mix well with a fork and weigh the mixture. If the whole weighs 70g, take only half, so 35g to add to the “sand” mixture. 

Add, therefore, half of beaten eggs to the mixture “sand”.

Mix without “spiking”, i.e. without insisting on the dough which could become too hard after cooking.  As soon as everything is homogeneous, stop mixing. 

Roll out the dough on parchment paper to a thickness of 6mm. Then cut out shapes with cookie cutters. Here, I use a canelé mold.

Place the shortbread on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Leave the shortbread in the fridge for an hour before baking. 

Heat the oven to 180°C. Then cook for 15-20 minutes. 

Let cool on a wire rack. 


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