-80g of rye seeds to germinate
-the totality of the germinated seeds after two days (they double in weight, thus 480g in total)
-100g of oatmeal
-100g pitted dates (or dried figs)
-80g rapeseed oil
-1/4 teaspoon salt
Then add water to largely cover them. Now let them soak for 24 hours… This is the time to moisturize them so that they “come back to life”.
This, for example, is a few hours later! We are already starting to see the little sprout coming out!
And the evening of the first day.
And so on….
Hop into a colander to wash them quickly.
Mix for a few seconds and don’t forget the salt!
So ! It’s ready!
Place half of the dough on parchment paper.
You can have a bread shape…
Or maybe a kind of rectangular sausage. Cut into three pieces (or two for larger loaves). Basically, you will have understood, you can do what you want !
But with a little bit of delicacy, nothing is impossible !