Home Sweet Ghribas with Nuts

Ghribas with Nuts

Difficulté : Easy
Catégorie : Sweet
Cout : Low cost

Here is a recipe for a small Moroccan pastry that I brought back in my luggage after my culinary trip to Marrakech (which you can read HERE)! These walnut ghribas, ultra easy to make at home, without flour, without butter, will be a wonderful accompaniment for mint tea. A quick blending, a turn in the bowl and it’s just a matter of putting it in the oven. Deliciously crunchy on top and soft on the inside, you’ll see that this cake won’t stay in its box for long!

Recipe of ghribas with nuts (for 16 to 18 pieces):

-125g of sugar
-180g of nuts
-90g of almond powder

-1/2 teaspoon 



-1 pinch of baking powder
-1 egg of 50g

-sugar ice
-16 to 18 walnut kernels

Place the sugar, nuts (all 180g), cinnamon and baking powder in the bowl of a blender.

Blend quickly to obtain a coarse powder. 

Add the almond powder and mix.

Add your egg and mix the dough until it is well blended. 

Make balls of 25g that you will roll in powdered sugar. 

Place a walnut kernel in each dumpling, gently pressing it in until the dough cracks slightly. 

Do the same for all the dumplings.

Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C for 15 minutes. The ghribas must remain soft in the center!

Store them in an airtight box (one week at the most). To be enjoyed with a hot mint tea! 

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