Home Savory Gnocchi with Potatoes

Gnocchi with Potatoes

Difficulté : Easy
Catégorie : Savory
Cout : Low cost
Forget about industrial gnocchi (which can be very good!), these fresh homemade gnocchi melt in your mouth… A subtle, velvety, “round” taste! It’s like velvet! A simple little wonder to make. I’ll give you a little tip on how to prepare them in advance and also a recipe for gnocchi with a smooth garlic and parmesan cream. I looked up the plural of gnocchi (which is already a plural in Italian) and they do add an “s” in French, so gnocchis. 

Gnocchi recipe for 4 people:
-1 kilo of floury potatoes
-300-350g of flour
-1 egg + 1 yolk
-2 tablespoons of olive oil

Steam the potatoes.

Let them cool, then peel them. 

Mashed potato them to obtain a purée. 

Add the two tablespoons of olive oil.

Then the egg and yolk. 

Add the flour in rain. 

Mix well. The dough is quite sticky but this is normal. The more flour you add, the firmer the dough will be, but the better it will taste after baking!

Flour the work surface, take a quarter of the dough and coat it well with flour.

Roll the dough into a ball of 2 centimeters in diameter. 

Cut pieces with a knife.

Roll into a ball and then roll on the gnocchi board or with a fork. 

To obtain a small gnocchi.

Do the same with all the dough. 

Cook in a large pot of boiling salted water. As soon as they come to the surface, take them out of the water.

Bernard’s advice:
I cook my gnocchi ahead of time in small batches and as soon as they rise to the surface, I put them in cold water to stop the cooking process and then I prepare the sauce separately into which I add them at the last minute. This can be interesting for a dinner party with guests!

I give here a recipe that I made “by nose” and that turned out to be excellent and successful. No photo!

the above gnocchi
-2 spoonfuls of olive oil
-4 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
-250g of heavy cream
-30g of freshly grated parmesan cheese
-2 “maggi” cubes
-black pepper, nutmeg
Prepare the gnocchi and cook them, then plunge them into cold water and set aside.
Heat the olive oil in a pan and add the chopped garlic. As soon as it is colored, add the cream and the “maggi” cubes. Grate the Parmesan cheese and let it thicken. Add pepper, nutmeg and as soon as the sauce is nice and delicious (!!), add the gnocchi. Cook for 3 minutes and serve immediately! 

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