A very simple recipe that will make you travel! The “kesras” or “Algerian pancakes” are composed of semolina, oil, salt and water and that’s all. They are a bit like the bread that is eaten daily in Algeria with the soup. You can find variations with yeast, but here everything is easy and can be done at home with a simple pan. Thanks again to Fariza from “Délice de la Casbah” for patiently teaching me how to roll the dough and for passing on to me, on the one hand her passion and on the other hand this simple, delicious and above all traditional recipe, everything I love!
In this recipe, to realize the “kesras”, we use medium semolina. It is not couscous seeds (which in France is called “semolina couscous”) but medium wheat semolina. It is easily found in grocery stores Maghrebian or in some stores “bio”.
Recipe of the kesras:
-1kg of medium semolina
-250ml of oil
-500-600 ml of water
-1 heaping teaspoon of salt
Put the medium semolina, salt and oil in a “kitchenaid” or “kenwood” type food processor with the dough hook.
Add 500ml of water at once and let the robot run. Add a little water if necessary to obtain a soft dough consistency. Let it run for at least 5 to 10 minutes!
Make balls of dough (with the quantities of the recipe, one will be able to make 2!!) a little larger than a closed fist.
Flatten each ball by hand.
Then smooth out with a rolling pin to make a nice round cake.
Prick with a fork.
Place in a non-stick pan over fairly high heat. You can even use the “krampouz” crepe maker if you have one (I really don’t regret my purchase!!) cf my pancakes) or a very hot plancha. Cook for at least 5 minutes on each side. Of course, only one kesra can be placed in a pan at a time!
Turn the kesra over to check for doneness. It should be well browned and cooked on both sides.
Serve with a traditional soup “chorba bel frik”! A delight…