Here are the Kibbehs (or kibbes, kubbeh, kebbah, kubbi…), delicious dumplings in the shape of a lemon, composed of a bulgur and mutton dough and a spicy meat and roasted pine nuts filling. You can find many of them in Lebanon, but not only! Now with my blog recipes you can make a delicious meal (click on the names!): with falafels, the livers of poultry lebanesethe tabbouleh, the babaganoush, the hummus (see the tarama even if it is not exactly the same place). I can tell you that having a food blog can make completely hammered, as I was not happy with my first kibble I was going to post. So, after a busy day of one hour of sports and 4 hours of macaroon workshops, I redid my recipe from start to finish. So it was midnight when I finally fried my kibbes… But this time I am very happy!
Recipe for Kibbehs (for about 24 pieces):
-600g boneless mutton, fat removed
-300g of fine bulgur (in organic stores there is always some!)
-2 level tablespoons of flour
-1 teaspoon of 4 spices
-1 half large onion
-salt pepper
Stuffing with pine nuts:
-125g of pine nuts (you can use less)
-250g of ground beef or mutton steak at 15%.
-1 tablespoon of olive oil
-1 half large onion
-1 teaspoon of 4 spices
-1 teaspoon of cinnamon
-1/2 teaspoon cumin powder
-1/2 bunch of mint (optional)
-salt pepper
Prepare the mutton, or ask to his butcher to do it to have 600g of boneless meat.
Put the meat through the grinder from the large rack to the small one. Don’t panic, even if it is not allowed in France, some butchers accept to mince the sheep with their machine. This makes the task much easier!
The meat must be ground until it has a mass where the fat is no longer distinguishable.
Soak the fine bulgur in cold water for 20 minutes.
Once soaked, pass it through a small fine sieve or squeeze it out in small quantities. The best would be to put it in a fine cloth to remove the excess water!
Put the bulgur in the blender for 2 minutes.
This will reduce it even more.
Add the meat and the half onion. If everything doesn’t fit in the blender, it can be done in batches.
Chop very finely, add the flour and mix again.
Place the dough in a bowl, season with salt and pepper and add the 4 spices.
Mix well by hand to obtain a very homogeneous paste.
For the filling: put the pine nuts in a frying pan and let them toast slightly, stirring constantly.
Remove them, add the olive oil, then the half onion finely chopped.
Season the meat (you can also season once it is in the pan) with the 4 spices, cumin powder and cinnamon. Don’t forget the salt and pepper.
Add the meat to the onions, which will be slightly colored.
Mix well. The meat should just cook but not overcook. You can add half a bunch of chopped mint at this point. I didn’t make it this time but it’s just as delicious!
Finally, add the pine nuts off the heat and mix well.
Let the filling cool before starting to shape it.
This is the tricky part. The shape of the kibbe looks like a yellow lemon. But if it’s too difficult to form, we can settle for the shape of a lemon… green! All round!
Take a ball of dough the size of an egg.
Shape the interior to form a cavity.
Add the pine nut filling
Then close by forming a pointed dome.
Let’s imagine now the posture of the hands as if we wanted to drink water from the tap: the hands are joined by the edge in a kind of receptacle. Place the hands in this position and put the kibbe at the joint and roll it to form this characteristic point . Do the same on both sides.
If the kibbe threatens to open, take a little water to weld the cracks.
We see here several sizes of kibbes. You should experiment and find the simplest size for you.
Heat a sufficient amount of oil to 180°C and then dip the kibbehs. They will gradually become colored.
They must become golden brown.
Once cooked, let them cool for a few moments on paper towels.
The kibbeh can be prepared and cooked in the afternoon and reheated when the guests arrive. Simply preheat the oven to 200°C and then put them in the oven for 10 minutes. They will resume their crispness.
They can be served with a little tahini sauce or garlic cream… A delight!