Home Sweet Pecan Pie

Pecan Pie

Difficulté : Easy
Catégorie : Sweet
Cout : Affordable
The pecan pie is truly a knockout! I’ve had this recipe for over a decade and now I finally have an excuse to make it again! The interior is rich with nuts and maple syrup! A real sin, but I think we are all excused when it comes to such a dessert!!!

In the end, I preferred not to pre-bake the dough as I had done in the first version… Because once it is pre-baked, the pecan mixture may break the dough and leak. on the edge of the circle. I thought the dough would be crispier once pre-baked, but the result was really the same without pre-baking… But we will find the technique of the flour bag for another pie! A recipe is always perfect until it’s better!
Pecan Pie” recipe for 4 people:
Sweet dough:
-210g of flour
-125g of soft butter
-25g almond powder
-50g of egg (an average egg weighs 50g…)
-1 pinch of salt
-35g icing sugar
Pecan and maple syrup spread:
-3 eggs
-40g of melted soft butter
-170g of brown vergeoise
-15g of flour
-1 teaspoon maple syrup extract
-240g corn syrup
-100g of maple syrup
-190g of pecans
Here is the product used in this recipe. It is the corn syrup. In the large trade, I know only the brand “Karo” which manufactures it. This is what the bottle looks like. You can find it in American or English grocery stores and in the “Bon marché” grocery store as well as on the internet!
Start by preparing the sweet dough. Put all the ingredients except the egg in a bowl or in the bowl of the food processor.
Beat with the food processor (it’s the K) until the butter is incorporated. 
Add the beaten egg at this point.
Turn on again just to incorporate the beaten egg, but no more!
Put the dough on a parchment paper.
Put another sheet on the dough and roll out with a rolling pin to a thickness of about 2-3mm. This way, no extra flour is added and the work surface and roller remain clean.
Place a pastry circle (20X2,5cm) on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Be careful to make a right angle in the corner of the circle with the plate.
(The picture is of a smaller circle…!!) Cut off excess dough with a knife from the inside of the circle to the outside with a short motion.
Go around the circle again, pinching and folding the dough to get a perfect angle.
This way the circle is perfectly dark (filled with dough).
Preheat the oven to 180°C. Meanwhile, prepare the pecan mixture. Put all the ingredients (on the picture the butter is not melted, but you have to melt it first!!! Do not do as I did! I had to put everything in the hair dryer to melt the butter that hadn’t melted!!) except the nuts, in a bowl.
Mix well, then add the nuts.
Mix well and set aside while the dough is pre-baked!
Prick the dough with a fork, pour the pecan mixture over the raw dough (on the picture the dough looks pre-baked but this is a mistake that should be avoided, the only risk being to see the dough burst during the baking process).
I made a mini pecan pie with the leftover dough and pastry. 
Bake the pie for 50 minutes at 180°C. The pie will puff up amazingly! When removed from the oven, carefully remove from the pan and let cool on a wire rack. The pie will then deflate and take its final shape.

I cooked the little one later, so it was cooked 15 minutes less…
Enjoy warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and whipped cream or chilled right out of the fridge!
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