Home Sweet Rice with milk

Rice with milk

Difficulté : Easy
Catégorie : Sweet
Cout : Low cost
This version is quick to prepare and makes a creamy rice pudding, which will delight all fans, like me, of homemade rice pudding! I’ve had this recipe since I was a teenager (it’s been a while!!) and I love it because it’s not too sweet and the rice is nice and creamy. 

Recipe for rice pudding in a saucepan:

-750ml of fresh whole milk (even raw if possible)
-200g of special dessert rice
-1 vanilla bean

-90g of sugar

Wash the rice with plenty of water, placing it in a fine sieve so that the grains do not escape.

Cook the rice in boiling water for 5 minutes.

Drain the rice and return it to the pan with the milk.  

Bernard’s advice:
when I drain the rice and put it back in the pan with the milk, I let it sit and go do something else… This way, the rice starts to swell in the milk and when I finally decide to cook it, it takes much less time and I have less to watch with a wooden spoon…!

Add the vanilla bean split in half and scraped, vanillin drained into the milk.

Let cook on low heat, stirring regularly. 

When the milk is almost completely absorbed, add the sugar.

Cook for another 5 minutes until rice pudding is the desired consistency.

Serve warm or cold with fruit jam or jelly! 

If the rice gets too firm at night, don’t hesitate to pour milk on it to make it creamy again! 
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