It’s not quite a shortbread and it’s not quite a cookie yet. You now know my obsession with shortbread. I never tire of trying new ways to make crispy cupcakes and nothing pleases me more than being in my kitchen putting ingredients in a bowl and seeing the result. Sometimes it doesn’t work. I played a bit of a mad scientist this time, taking genes from the cookie to inject into a diamond shortbread. I waited for the result with anxiety, but I was immediately reassured by the cooking, then the holding after cooling. Besides, the cookie is a distant cousin of the shortbread and the difference is sometimes played on an egg…! This time, I mixed the oats with the walnuts, to get a very tasty powder. With flour and butter, the result went beyond my expectations. A small infusion of chocolate chips and it’s done! These cupcakes are deliciously crispy and almost look like cookies, but not quite! I looked for a name, but none of them are great: sakie, sabkie, cooblé, crooskie… No way! So I’m waiting for your name proposals! But what is sure, is that I keep this recipe in my favorites…
Oatmeal, walnut and chocolate shortbread recipe (for 48 shortbread):
-240g of soft semi-salted butter (or 120g of soft and 120g of semi-salted!)
-185g of flour
-125g of sugar
-150g of oatmeal
-50g of nuts
-100g of chocolate chips
-100g of chocolate chips
Put the nuts and oats in a blender.
Blend for one or two minutes to obtain a fine powder.
Place soft butter and sugar in a bowl.
Mix well to obtain a kind of cream.
Add oat-nut powder and flour.
Mix (with the K of the kitchenaid or kenwood) without insisting. We just need to homogenize the whole thing.
Add the chocolate chips.
Mix. That’s all !
Divide the dough in half and wrap each half in cling film to form a 4cm diameter ball.
Let stand in a cool place for at least two hours to set the dough. Then cut into 1 cm thick slices.
Place slices on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
Put in the oven for 20 minutes at 180°C. Always adjust the baking to your own oven. The shortbread should be well browned.
Keep in a lock&lock box.