Home Sweet Traou Mad with blueberries and chestnut cream

Traou Mad with blueberries and chestnut cream

Difficulté : Easy
Catégorie : Sweet
Cout : Low cost
Some time ago, Traou Mad had really liked my little reportage that I had made on their factory in Pont Aven (see the reportage HERE). They have since asked me to make some recipes for their blog: http://blog.traoumad.fr/. So I had the pleasure of receiving a package full of wonders at home! I continue my partnership with my favorite little Breton cakes, the “traou mad”… For the month of March, I’m offering you a quick and simple, yet delicious, fresh and crispy recipe!  I use the traou mad as a base, like a small tartlet, which I then garnish with blueberry jam, whipped cream, fresh blueberries and with a smooth chestnut cream. So easy, you can make a lot of them for a sweet buffet! 

Recipe for 16 traou mad with blueberries and chestnut cream:

-16 traou mad cakes
-180g of vanilla chestnut cream
-180g of unsweetened chestnut purée
-15g of amber rum
-120g of mascarpone
-a jar of blueberry jam
-125g of fresh blueberries
-100g of whipped cream
Put the unsweetened chestnut purée, the vanilla chestnut cream (and very sweet!!) and the amber rum in a bowl.

Note from Bernard:
The reason I mix the chestnut purée AND the vanilla chestnut cream is because I feel that with just the cream, the result would be too sweet. The puree is sugar free and balances the whole.

Mix with an electric whisk for 5 minutes. 

Add mascarpone and continue to whisk for 2 to 3 minutes.

Prepare the traou mad by putting half a teaspoon of blueberry jam in the center. 

Add a little whipped cream. 

Arrange a blueberry on top of the whipped cream.

Put the chestnut cream in a pastry bag fitted with a fluted tip and garnish by making a dome of chestnut cream on the whipped cream.

Finish by adding a blueberry on top and a little powdered sugar. 

Let stand in a cool place for one hour before serving. 

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