Home Sweet Amaretti pistachio cardamom

Amaretti pistachio cardamom

Difficulté : Easy
Catégorie : Sweet
Cout : Affordable

I discovered these amaretti in a store in London where I go from time to time. I didn’t have the recipe but just the list of ingredients. I did a few tests and voila! It worked very well. It has pistachio, cardamom and a little orange zest and bitter almond extract in it. They are soft and will keep well for several days (weeks?) in an airtight box.

Amaretti pistachio cardamom for 12 pieces :

  • 200g of pistachio powder
  • 100g almond powder
  • 100g of sugar
  • 10 cardamom pods
  • a little orange peel
  • 1/2 teaspoon bitter almond extract
  • 50g of egg white

Put the pistachio powder, almond powder and sugar in a container.

Open the cardamom pods and crush them in a mortar. You can also add 1/2 teaspoon of cardamom powder.

Add a little untreated orange peel. I put roughly the surface of the orange on 1x5cm.

Add the bitter almond extract and the weighed egg white.

Adjust the weight of the white so that the dough just comes together in a ball.

Divide the dough into 12 balls of about 38g.

Put them in the powdered sugar.

Crush them lightly and then with all fingers except the pinkie, press down to mark the dough.

Bake for 12 minutes in a preheated oven at 180°C in rotating heat.

Sprinkle with a veil of powdered sugar when removed from the oven and leave to cool.

Store in an airtight box.

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