Home Savory Brandade


Difficulté : Easy
Catégorie : Savory
Cout : Affordable
For once, I’m going to go a little outside the box with this brandade. This delicious specialty of Nîmes is very conducive to regional variations… I did not specify brandade de morue… I made this one with fresh fish caught by my uncle Raymond in Brittany (the famous Portsall fish). I asked my mom to give me her recipe which contains this place. But we can stick to the original recipe by putting the traditional cod. In spite of everything, this brandade delights everyone! With this recipe, you will have the choice of fish…

Recipe of the brandade for 6 persons:

-850g of cod or pollock
-650g of potatoes
-4 cloves of garlic
-150ml olive oil
-150ml full cream
-salt pepper
-thyme, bay leaf, parsley
If dried cod is used, it must be desalinated in cold water (changing the water several times) for at least 12 hours.
Weigh the cod once it is desalted, as it recovers weight with the water.
Put the raw fish (pollock or desalted cod) in cold water with the thyme and the bay leaf.
Put on low heat and bring to a boil. Stop cooking as soon as the water boils.
Drain the fish.
Mash the fish with a fork.
To get fish crumbs.
At the same time, steam the peeled and cut potatoes.
Once cooked, crush them with a puree press.
Preheat oven to 210°C.
Put the 150ml of oil (it sounds like a lot but it is!) in a large pan (the one used to cook the fish). Add crushed garlic cloves.
Cook for 2 minutes until you smell the garlic. Add the crumbled fish.
Add mashed potatoes.
Mix with a hand whisk so you can’t tell the potato from the fish.
Add the whole liquid cream.
Whisk well, add salt and pepper.

Bernard’s advice:
you can also add finely chopped fresh parsley!
Put the brandade in a baking dish. Scratch the surface with a fork. Drizzle olive oil into the resulting grooves.
Bake at 210°C for 20 minutes to brown the surface (watch…).
Serve immediately and enjoy with a salad!
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