Home Savory Buckwheat chips with salt and pepper

Buckwheat chips with salt and pepper

Difficulté : Easy
Catégorie : Savory
Cout : Low cost

For some time now, such buckwheat “chips” have been on the market as an appetizer. I wanted to make them again at home and give you the recipe. The result is amazing. The taste of buckwheat is explosive, especially associated with the flavor of pepper. For our gluten intolerant friends, good news! There is not a gram of it, because there is nothing else but buckwheat. And it’s totally vegan, because no eggs or butter! I gave this to some friends for an appetizer, and everyone loved it! I’m thinking of making more of these very often! 

Recipe for 600g of buckwheat chips :

  • 250g buckwheat flour
  • 150g rapeseed or olive oil
  • 550g of water
  • 4g of ground black pepper
  • 6g of salt

Here are all the ingredients for this incredible and delicious appetizer recipe. 

Pour buckwheat flour, oil, salt and pepper into a bowl. The oil is in important quantity, but it is what will give deliciously crunchy “chips”. 

Pour in water and whisk to combine.

You can even give it a whirl with a hand blender to make more bubbles. This will disperse the oil in the form of micro droplets.

For convenience, I cooked these “chips” in a Krampouz brand bilig (crepe maker). But you can also do it in a pan. You just have to make sure to spread the dough well and to do this with a non-stick pan. You can make thin chips or thicker ones. It’s up to you. For those who have a bilig, I put it at 220°C. Pour a good ladleful of batter, as for a normal pancake, then spread with the rozel for the bilig, or by shaking the pan. 

When the bottom is cooked, flip the pancake and cut it into pieces immediately. Do not wait before cutting, because afterwards the pancake becomes brittle. The chips will start to sizzle thanks to the oil. 

Dry them well on the other side. They will then color more quickly. Be careful not to burn them, especially when cooking in a pan. 

Check the consistency. The thinner ones get crispy very quickly, but the thicker ones take longer. To do this, I put them in the oven at 50°C on revolving heat, door ajar, to finish drying them. This way, all chips, thin or thick, are perfectly crisp! 
Store them well in an airtight box. 

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