Home Savory Korean Pancakes with Mung Beans and Chives

Korean Pancakes with Mung Beans and Chives

Difficulté : Easy
Catégorie : Savory
Cout : Low cost
After my culinary trip to Seoul (see HERE), many of you asked me for the recipe of the pancakes you see in the markets. I observed on the spot how they did it and you can see the pictures where there is the dough ready to cook. This is a mung bean pancake. A very simple recipe! This little bean is simply magical! Just let it soak, blend it and then add water and whatever else you want! I give you here a basic recipe and you can imagine all that you want; kimchi, vegetables (carrots, zucchini…) meats… Today a simple scallion pancake with a little garlic powder and toasted sesame oil. Without egg or flour, the pancake cooks itself thanks to this small yellow bean. It can be found in grocery stores already shelled and dried. The pancake is tasty, tender in the center and crispy on the edge… 

Recipe for mung bean and spring onion pancakes:
-500g of peeled dry mung beans
-200g of Chinese chives 
-water for soaking
-250g water for the dough
-salt in sufficient quantity
-1 teaspoon garlic powder
-1 tablespoon of toasted sesame oil
-oil for frying
Here are the little mung beans! They are sold already peeled (at Tang Frères for example). These are the ones we need! 

Put them in a large bowl and cover completely with cold water and let them swell overnight. 

The next day, the beans are ready to be used! 

Drain them well and put them in a blender or mixer. 

We drain but we will add water to have good measurements. Add the 250ml of water and turn on the food processor.

We obtain a kind of puree that we can dilute with a little water. 

Here is the chive.

Cut off the most important white part. 

Then chop (not necessarily too finely). 

Pour in the dough and mix well . 

Add salt (you still need to add a lot of salt), toasted sesame oil and garlic.

Bernard’s advice:
for the garlic powder, it is not garlic semolina but garlic powder that is easily found in Asian grocery stores. 
You can add water to make the dough more liquid so that it can be spread out easily. No risk of the dough not setting with the magic bean!

Pour the equivalent of two tablespoons of oil into a hot pan. Pour the equivalent of two to three tablespoons of paste into the hot oil. The magic will work very quickly! The pancake is very quick to grab! 

Turn the crepe over when the top looks seared, then turn it over regularly to color it more and more (in the photo it is not yet cooked enough).

Do the same for all the dough, adding a little oil each time (it is not necessarily very light!).

Serve hot (because it is not as good warm) with a soy sauce or a little black Asian vinegar.
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