Home Sweet Lemon and corn flour shortbread

Lemon and corn flour shortbread

Difficulté : Easy
Catégorie : Sweet
Cout : Low cost

During my trip to Ireland (which you can read about HERE), I discovered identical shortbread with lemon and cornmeal. This last one brings a new consistency and a little extra crunch. They have a delicious buttery taste and are perfectly crisp. A delightful accompaniment to a lemon sorbet! 


  • 85g of sugar
  • 150g of soft butter
  • 15 lemon zest
  • 210g of flour
  • 50g of corn flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon of liquid vanilla
  • a good pinch of salt

Put the sugar and butter in the bowl of your food processor or in a container.

Add the lemon zest. For 15g, it is about the zest of a large lemon.

Also add vanilla and salt.

Blend with a food processor or spoon to obtain a kind of cream.

Add flour and cornmeal. You can find it in organic supermarkets. It is corn flour and not polenta semolina. 

Mix again just to get a smooth paste, no more.

Bring the dough back into a ball.

Take one half of the dough. Spread it out on parchment paper. If you have a patterned rolling pin, lightly flour the surface.

Then pass the roller. It is obvious that you can do without this kind of utensil and make the shortbread without it. If you take a pattern roller, don’t spread the dough out too much before rolling the pattern because it will also spread out again. 

Cut shortbread with a cookie cutter. 

Place the shortbread on a baking sheet. I used the Silikomart air mat here. It is perforated and allows the shortbread not to swell. Do the same for the rest of the dough. 

Bake at 170°C for 18 minutes.

Keep the shortbread in an airtight box. 
Material used (click for a direct link):

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