Home Savory Sonoma Chicken Salad

Sonoma Chicken Salad

Difficulté : Easy
Catégorie : Savory
Cout : Affordable

Freely inspired by the salad recipes found at “Whole Foods Market” in New York, I propose the “Sonoma Chicken Salad”. Crunchy, soft, dried and fresh fruits, small pieces of celery with pieces of chicken still very tender, all with a delicious sauce, this “salad” (not super light either!) will make many happy! I offered it to my guests and I can say that it did not last long. For a summer buffet, it’s a guaranteed success!

Sonoma Chicken Salad Recipe

-6 chicken breasts
-1 teaspoon of poppy seeds
-3 stalks of celery
-2 small bunches of grapes
-125g of pecans

Salad dressing:
-1 egg
-150ml rapeseed oil
-25g of honey
-1 teaspoon of mustard
-1 tablespoon sherry vinegar
-salt, black pepper
-1/2 whole natural stirred yogurt

Put a little olive oil in a large frying pan over fairly high heat. Add your chicken breasts.

Grill them well on both sides. Don’t forget to add salt and pepper. I also add a little garlic powder. At the end of the cooking time, add a little water to create a steam that will finish cooking the heart of the whites.

Let cool and then cut the chicken into pieces.

Cut the three stalks of celery (taking care to remove the leaves and the widening bottom) into thin slices.

In a large container, put your chicken, poppy seeds, pecans, celery.

For the sauce, I don’t make a classic mayonnaise (which I usually do with a whisk) but a sauce in the bowl of my hand blender. Put the ingredients in the bowl except the yogurt (egg, mustard, oil, vinegar, honey, salt and pepper).

Put the hand blender on the bottom and start it up. The sauce will start to emulsify.

This is the result!

Add the half full-fat plain yogurt and mix well.

Put all or part of the sauce (according to your taste) in the bowl.

Mix well.

Add the grapes and mix carefully so as not to break them up.

The “Sonoma Chcken Salad” is ready!

Chill for a good two hours before serving!
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