Home Sweet Palm trees

Palm trees

Difficulté : EasyEasy
Catégorie : Sweet

The other day I gave a reverse puff pastry class. After the workshop, I had some leftover dough and took the opportunity to make homemade palm trees. I didn’t necessarily have an unforgettable memory of palm trees in general. Until I tried the homemade version again! With homemade puff pastry, the palms are absolutely divine and terribly crispy, with an incredible buttery taste! Take advantage of your dough scraps to make them at home. 

For home-made plamiers:

  • puff pastry scraps (homemade pastry HERE )
  • brown sugar
  • that’s all! 

Sometimes you wonder what to do with leftover puff pastry. Just reposition them on top of each other, without putting 5 layers on either. In this way, the puff pastry is preserved.

Spread into a rectangle. Trim the edges as needed to get the best looking rectangle. Wet the surface very lightly with water, then remove the excess with a paper towel. This way, the dough will be sticky. Sprinkle with brown sugar. 

Do the same on the other side. Wrap one half towards the center, then the second half in the same way, tightening well.
NB: you can see on the picture that the roll-up shows that the other side has not been sweetened. This was a trial run and I prefer it with sugar on both sides! If you want larger palms, just wrap lengthwise towards the center, and for smaller ones, widthwise towards the center (as shown in the photo).

And this is the result. Let stand for 20 minutes in a cool place or even in the freezer.

Then cut 8mm slices.

Place the slices on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Leave a lot of space between each one because the palms will grow a lot.

Bake at 210°C for 15 minutes (adapt the baking time to your oven and to the size of your palm trees by watching!) 

Keep the palms in an airtight box. They are divine with ice cream! 

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