Hoummos de tomates séchées et basilic
Pour terminer :
- Rincez, puis égouttez les pois chiches. Versez-les entiers dans un petit mixeur avec tous les ingrédients. Pour le basilic, il suffit de ne mettre que les feuilles.
- Salez et poivrez à votre goût.
- Mixez pour avoir une belle consistance. J’aime quand ce n’est pas trop lisse !
- Pour accompagner, je suis devenu complètement accro depuis qu’on m’a fait découvrir le chou rave.
- Il suffit de l’éplucher et de le couper en morceaux.
- Pour terminer, mais tout en étant totalement facultatif, j’ajoute des pignons de pin grillés à la poêle.
- Parsemez le hoummos de tomates séchées et arrosez d’huile d’olive. À servir avec du pain ou/et du chou rave bien frais et croquant.
I’ve already suggested some hummus recipes on my site, including the traditional one where you peel the chickpeas. I very often make hummus at home, as it literally takes 5 minutes to make, because today I put everything together in the blender. This version with sun-dried tomatoes marinated in olive oil and fresh basil is particularly tasty. And there’s nothing like fresh, crisp, sliced kohlrabi to accompany it.
Recipe for 4 people:
- 265g chickpeas, drained
- 50g tehena
- 80 to 100g water
- 20g of olive oil
- 1 clove garlic, peeled
- 70g sun-dried tomatoes marinated in olive oil
- salt pepper
- 5-6 sprigs fresh basil
To serve:
- olive oil
- 30g toasted pine nuts
Rinse and drain the chickpeas. Pour them whole into a small blender with all the ingredients.
For basil, just add the leaves.
Put salt and pepper at your taste.
Blend to a fine consistency. I like it when it’s not too smooth!
As a side note, I’ve been completely hooked since I was introduced to kohlrabi.
Simply peel and cut into pieces.
To finish, but totally optional, I add pan-roasted pine nuts.
Sprinkle hummus with sun-dried tomatoes and drizzle with olive oil. Serve with fresh, crunchy bread and/or kohlrabi.
Sundried tomato and basil hummus
To conclude:
- Rinse and drain the chickpeas. Pour them whole into a small blender with all the ingredients. For basil, just add the leaves.
- Put salt and pepper at your taste.
- Blend to a fine consistency. I like it when it’s not too smooth!
- As a side note, I’ve been completely hooked since I was introduced to kohlrabi.
- Simply peel and cut into pieces.
- As a final, but totally optional, touch, I add pan-roasted pine nuts.
- Sprinkle hummus with sun-dried tomatoes and drizzle with olive oil. Serve with fresh, crunchy bread and/or kohlrabi.