
by Bernard

Welsh Cakes

by Bernard

Here is a recipe from Wales. These cakes are pan-fried and ready in 15-20 minutes maximum. A childish simplicity for a very tasty result. They are delicious for breakfast with butter, jam or the famous clotted cream, or for a snack with a hot tea. For a change from scones!


Big shortbread, full of chocolate, crispy and melting at the same time! They look like cookies, but they’re not. The texture is really more of a shortbread, more crunchy than the cookie. There is no egg and no vanilla. And I put a huge dose of chocolate: it’s half the weight of these little cakes! For lovers of good things and especially of chocolate (dark or milk!).


Broyé du Poitou aux Noix

by Bernard

J’adore les sablés, mais surtout quand ils sont trop grands pour être mangés seuls. J’avais proposé la recette des broyés du Poitou dans mon premier livre “Mes desserts” édité chez Flammarion. Cette fois je vous donne une adaptation aux noix, bien craquante à souhait. J’ajoute un peu d’huile de noix, qui vient parfumer à merveille ce gros et généreux broyé.


I had tasted these inverted makis in a “fusion” restaurant in Santiago, Chile with two friends. Although not very traditional, they were really delicious. I had proposed on the blog, Japanese makis with chilli salmon and Korean gimbaps with chicken. Two similar techniques, but with vinegar rice for the first and sesame oil rice for the second. As we are clearly on the “fusion food” here, I wanted to test a rice both vinegared (in lesser proportions) and with sesame oil. The result is perfect for me. Here with crispy shrimp and cooked and smoked salmon, the makis are rich but decadent and appetizing.



La cuisine de Bernard